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After the Cameroonisation of the London GCE in 1977, things went on smoothly until 1984, when the GCE began experiencing irregularities as some London officials began withdrawing. Beginning from 1990, when the University of London Examination and Assessment Council withdrew completely from the role it had played so far on the Cameroon GCE, the irregularities became even more alarming. Some of these irregularities included,

  • The use of GCE questions reserved for future sessions for Entrance Examinations into ENS in 1990,
  • Change of the format of the GCE question papers in 1991 without prior notice to candidates, poor printing,
  • Wrong pagination,
  • Wrong spellings,
  • Shortage of question papers and materials,
  • Late arrival of question papers and the postponement of some papers,
  • Wrong instructions on question papers and examination leakages.
 In response to this popular demand, the Prime Minister of the Republic signed an order (Nº: 194/CAB/PM of 11th September 1992) creating a Technical Committee to carry out studies and make recommendations on the organization and functioning of the GCE Examination Board.

Background History of the Board.

Registrars of the GCE Board.

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Mr. DANG AKUH Dominic

Registrar, Cameroon GCE Board

2018 - 2023

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Dr. MONONO Ekema Humphrey

Registrar, Cameroon GCE Board

2006 - 2018

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Dr. Omer Weyi YEMBE

Registrar, Cameroon GCE Board

1997 - 2006

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Mr. AZONG Wara Andrew

Registrar, Cameroon GCE Board

1994 - 1997

Registrars of the GCE Board.

Mr. AZONG Wara Andrew

Mr. AZONG Wara Andrew

Registrar, GCE Board
1994 - 1997

Dr. Omer Weyi YEMBE

Dr. Omer Weyi YEMBE

Registrar, GCE Board
1997 - 2006

Dr. MONONO Ekema Hymphrey

Dr. MONONO Ekema Humphrey

Registrar, GCE Board
2006 - 2018

Mr. DANG AKUH Dominic

Registrar, GCE Board
2018 - 2023

Organizational Chart of the Cameroon GCE Board.

The Management organ of the Board shall be:

  1. The Board of Directors
  2. The Registrar

The Registrar is the Chief Executive Officer of the Board. In that capacity, he represents the Board in all academic matters. He is also the chairman of the Examinations Executive Committee (EEC).

The EEC is responsible for all academic matters of the Board. It is also responsible for the organization, quality control, and development of the Boards Examinations.