Syllabus requirements
Syllabuses play a key role in the assessment of GCE examinations. Syllabuses are often provided in paper form or online. They give an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an examination or a training course. When the outline covers an examination, it is referred to as an Examination syllabus and when it covers a Training course, it is called a Teaching syllabus. A syllabus usually contains specific information about the course. It also provides an outline of what will be covered in the course.
Past examination question papers are available at the Service for library and Documentation of the GCE Board and the Bamenda Regional Office at moderate prices. The actual cost of each question paper depends on its volume.
Regulations and syllabuses for General Education subjects application as of June 2009 are available at the cost of 5.000FCFA. Single-subject syllabuses are available for GCE Technical Education subjects and the cost depends on the volume of the particular subject syllabus.